The PGC has release the 2004 Deer Harvest Estimates:


HARRISBURG – The Commonwealth’s deer harvest estimates declined about 12 percent over the past year, down from an estimated 464,890 in 2003-04 to an estimated 409,320 in 2004-05, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission figures released today. Historically, this year’s deer harvest estimate is the sixth highest since 1986, when the agency began calculating deer harvest results.

The 2004-05 antlered deer harvest was 124,410 and the antlerless deer harvest was 284,910, compared to 142,270 for antlered deer and 322,620 for antlerless deer the previous year.

Key word: Estimates.

OTC knows about estimates.


  1. The PGC continues that old carp about hunters failing to return report cards – they estimate 60% of them. PGCallegedly arrives at this figure by checking kill tags in processing shops against actual cards received. Yet DMAP holders are apparently more diligent about reporting: 75% of them do so. Why DMAP permit holders are so much better at this task is a mystery. The PGC typically multiplies the actual cards returned (170,000) by 60% additional to come up with the total harvest(407,000 this past year). From my observations, the herd is down more than 12% in my area of Central PA. The greater question is why should this trend be allowed to continue? PGC mission is to protect the species. It appears they have lost sight of this objective.

  2. From age 18 to current age 46 I have hunted pa’s Lackawanna area of game lands #135 and the adjoining state forest. 8,9 and 11pt leading up to 1997 season and have not seen much of any gender of deer since then. The local deer heard has been reduced to the point whereas one hoping to get a deer must go an avg of 2.5 miles into rough timber and be smart about hunting with the wind and scenting in heavy usage. The doe buck ratio is in my estimation of visual sightings to be 1 buck to 2 doe. I am avid and less avid hunters will quit the state hunting unless they simply see deer. I recommend closing the season for two years to increase the heard to regain lost ground. Discouraged hunters may return and license sale may again go positive.Former FBI Senior Electronics Technician, New York City Office. Current RF design team for the FDNY,EMS,Port Authority and NYPD wireless system at WTC #7 at Ground Zero. Born in Scranton,raised on a dairy farm in Moscow Pa., living in NJ and working in NYC I saw the towers fall and set up communication channels for swat and antiterroism and now I attempt to inform the commission that numbers of deer and hunters are severerly declining. I believe the commission is in denial. Please verify your statistics, open deer check stations period. Verify, verify and verify, we are not looking for weopons of mass dest we’re looking for deer. I want to keep the heritage of deer hunting in Pa. thriving. Sincerely, Rick

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