Thanks for the Snow, God!

Deer Tracks (c)2003 Jerry and Marcy Monkman/ EcoPhotography Used by permission.Finally, we have some snow. Better late than never. Time to get out to your favorite hunting spots where you claim there are no more deer and do some serious investigation.

The snow just does not lie. It will show you where the deer are, how many are there, and where they are coming and going. Stop reading this and get outside, before it melts.

Even better, you claim your all your spots are deer-less because of the Alt management. Go do some scouting in unfamiliar woods. Ask permission of that farmer who needs his woodchuck population depleted come spring, and scout his surrounding woodland. You know that place you always wanted to check out, but never had the time before hunting season. Go there today.

The weather is perfect for some after-season scouting. Sure, the deer may be herded up and their patterns even changed a little. But guess what? It ain’t like they are Arctic terns, who migrate from the arctic tundra to Antarctica every year. Deer pretty much stay in the same area, year after year. As long as there is a food source available, and there aren’t any poachers hanging around, the deer will be there.

Now go find them.
This image is owned by (c)2003 Jerry and Marcy Monkman/ EcoPhotography. Used with permission.

1 Comment on “Thanks for the Snow, God!

  1. Fuzzie, Go do your scouting. Just don’t let me find your boot tracks in my back yard!

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