Dove & Goose
Dove and Early Goose Seasons start September 1, 2005.
Dove hunters once again will have the opportunity to participate in a triple-split season. During the first season (Sept. 1-Oct.1), hunting will start at noon and continue through sunset daily. The second and third splits will be Oct. 29-Nov. 26, and Dec. 26-Jan. 4, with hunting hours a half-hour before sunrise until sunset. In all three seasons, the daily bag limit will be 12 and the possession limit after opening day is 24.
Also, Pennsylvania is participating in a Dove Banding Program:
This summer marks the third year that the Pennsylvania Game Commission is cooperating along with 26 other dove hunting states and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in a nationwide mourning dove banding study. The objectives of this three-year study are to determine dove harvest and survival rates to improve mourning dove management.
From July 1 through mid-August, more than 22,000 doves will be banded by participating states. Pennsylvania’s banding quota is 1,200 birds. Mourning doves are being captured in wire ground traps at 24 locations statewide.
If you shoot a dove with a band, after you report it, please post a comment or send us a picture and we will post it.
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