Just Bait ’em
So that the deer management issue stays in the forefront, the PA Farm Bureau raised the ante, suggesting baiting deer should be legalized.
The PGC’s Urban/Suburban Deer Management Program will be the catalyst.
Read more here:
The commission’s new strategy outlines the four main goals: reducing deer impacts in developed areas using hunting options; reducing deer-human conflicts using non-hunting options; informing urban leadership, residents, and hunters about deer management options and opportunities in developed areas; and encouraging positive relationships between hunters and communities in developed areas.
It’s on the Agenda for today’s PGC meeting:
While traditional hunting, that is, without bait, is the most economical way to manage deer populations, by allowing the use of bait while hunting, there is the potential to increase harvest, hunter success, and hunter opportunity in developed areas. Providing this tool in our most developed areas will be beneficial to hunters, urban residents, and the Game Commission’s deer management program.
From all I have heard, many PA hunters are now well versed in this technique. Now let’s see: maybe they can make it legal to tie a deer to a tree in the week prior to season opening.
Yeah deer are much easier to hunt over bait…..they easily fall for a pile of apples or corn in someones lawn!
About as easy as tying one up!