About Fuzzie
I am an outdoor enthusiast: Hunting, Fishing, Shooting.
My background is in the law and computers, but my heart is outdoors.
Some of my favorite fishing spots are world famous, like the Letort Spring Run. However, I am proud that the small native brook stream close to Colonel Denning State Park fits me perfectly too. That small stream doesn’t get fished much, and the palm-sized brook trout have the most brilliant colors. I shoot as often as possible. Most of the time, it is with a Tikka 22-250 and a mentor who has taught me a great deal.
You can reach me at fuzzie at pahuntfishshoot dot com. Please feel free to send me any ideas you have for a story. But please know, I am not about to engage you in a flame war over something you are passionate about. That is what your website is for. This is my home. I get to set the rules.