CWD: The Latest Outlook
In the March/April 2006 edition of Bowhunter, it has an article, “CWD: The Latest Outlook”. The article is excellent … and scary. On page 87 of the article, it states:
Dan Grear and Mike Samuel in Wisconsin, and Mike Miller and Mary Conner in Colorado, found that older males are twice as likely to have CWD and thus are more likely to be spreading the disease. Older bucks thus are more likely to be spreading the disease. Older bucks move around a lot during the rut, which may accelerate the spread of CWD. Dr. Grear noted that reducing the population of older bucks would help.
So let me get this right. If older bucks x2 likely to have CWD, then why is the PA Game Commission on an antler restriction program that will increase the number older bucks? With CWD present in NY (literally on our doorstep), we should not allow bucks to grow old.
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