Shop or Fish?
With Christmas just a few days away, I am suffering from a major quandary–do I shop tomorrow for those last-minute gifts (or at least start my shopping), or do I head to the River to fish? Which river you ask? …
With Christmas just a few days away, I am suffering from a major quandary–do I shop tomorrow for those last-minute gifts (or at least start my shopping), or do I head to the River to fish? Which river you ask? …
Apparently, Women fish too. But pink rubber boots? That might be going a little too far. UPDATE:Â See this story too. (Thanks woodswoman!)
I’m sure there are plenty of these around the Commonwealth, but someone sent me a flyer for this one (If your club is holding one, please post a comment with the details). The Mechanicsburg-North Rotary Club is sponsoring a kid’s …
We can’t hunt on Sundays (with some minor exceptions), but the state can sponsor a Fish For Free day on Sunday. Go figure.
The Fish Commission knows how to fish! Check out this story: If they had been using rod and reel, a couple of fisheries biologists from the Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife would now hold the Pennsylvania state record for …
My dad had a saying while I was growing up: “Boats are just bottomless holes that suck your money.” Everytime I even mentioned or suggested we ought to get a boat so we could fish away from shore, he would …
I was getting ready to buy my 2006 Fishing License, online, as usual. Then came the price tag: $31. Is it me, or is this just a little too much to enjoy recreation fishing. As a good friend, who like …
I’m going to be interviewed today about fishing. Finally hit the big time! Well, it is not a national inteview. It’s not even a regional interview. But it is an interview and it is about fishing. They gave me a …
Muskoka Outdoors Blog has posted what has to be the best video warning of the dangers of ice fishing. The best tips: Do NOT stand to close to your fishing hole Stick to freshwater
We are searching for it. We have all tried several this-is-it ideas. But until now, all have failed to live up to our expectations. What am I referring to? Why the secret to a good fishing lure. Now, scientists have …