Hunting & Fishing Rights
As we move closer and closer to socialism, look out hunting and fishing rights:
As we move closer and closer to socialism, look out hunting and fishing rights:
A good friend gave me a copy of this form that he used whenever he transferred a firearm. You might want to print out one for every firearm you own, fill it out, and keep for your records. If you …
According to the article in today’s paper, shooting a large buck is just plain luck. First, quit falling for the “big buck” myth. There is nothing more ridiculous than listening to adults explain in detail how they outsmarted a deer. …
The Keystone Area BSA invites all to join them Saturday, September 27, 2008 for the 7th Annual Keystone Classic hosted by Blue Ridge Sportsman’s Club in Harrisburg. This year’s event will run from 8AM through 3PM. Individuals from the community …
There is a new computer-generated camouflage, much like that used by the US Military, being promoted as the first camouflage scientifically designed to make hunters invisible to deer. Check out Optifade…will it work? [T]hanks to decades of research into ungulate …
ATTENTION SHOOTING SPORTS SUPPORTERS! “Olympic Shotgun Shooting Range Benefit Shoot†Sunday, October 12, 2008 12:00 to 5:00 PM Martz’s Gap View Hunting Preserve, Inc. R.R. #1, Box 85 Dalmatia, Northumberland Co., PA. 17017 (800) 326-8442 Office (570) 758-3307 Office (570) …
How cool is this! Right here in Pennsylvania: On behalf of the Board of Directors and Corporate Officers of Chubb International Shooting Sports, Inc., it is my great pleasure to announce the commencement of a capital campaign in order to …
Olympic Shotgun Range Complex Begins Capital Campaign! Read more »
Olive Mount Bowhunters Christian 3D Archery Shoot! Mark your calendars for September 5, 6 & 7, 2008. A Christian 3-D archery shoot, 4 PM to dusk on Friday, 7 AM-dust on Saturday and 8 AM-2:00 PM, on Sunday, Y’s Men …
The Outdoors Ministry of West Shore Evangelical Free Church announces its 1st annual 3-D archery shoot for Friends and Family. It will be held at the Rocky Spring Bible Camp, north of Dillsburg, on August 2nd, 2008. Starting time: Saturday, …
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled June 26, 2008, that the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns was unconstitutional. The Court held the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a …